1. From essay Sylvia Plath and the Death Throes of Romanticism by Joyce Carol Oates, 1974.

2. “blue with cold” from A Winter Ship

3. Wuthering Heights

4. Plath attended Smith College

5. In Plaster, The Lady and the Earthenware Head, and indirectly The Colossus

6. Mirror

7. A Birthday Present

8. Metaphors

9. “bats” from Nick and the Candlestick and many others

10. “doll” from The Applicant and many others

11. Totem

12. Daddy

13. Sleep in the Mojave Desert

14. “sneer at the wind” from Resolve

15. “indefatigable tongue” from The Courage of Shutting Up

16. Lady Lazarus

17. “lugubrious” from The Ravaged Face and a few others

18. “lintel” from Departure and Wuthering Heights

Author Statement: “As a Plath fan, I borrowed liberally from several Plath poems. My thoughts were that perhaps someday a poetry instructor could challenge his students to find as many references as possible [in these]. Hopefully, it would be a fun exercise.  Regardless, I share it here for both our enjoyment.”