
Hello! Thanks for considering submitting your writing and art to us.

Below, you’ll find a submission form where you can upload your work. Please consider including a brief cover letter that includes a short third-person biography with any relevant social media handles. We also encourage headshots if you are comfortable with that sort of thing. 

For now, we have no word limits, just genres and dreams. If form submissions aren’t your style, you may also e-mail us at

We highly encourage simultaneous submissions as we are well-versed in the submissions rigamarole. Waiting for word is an excruciating process and we firmly believe authors and artists have the right to cast their nets wide and far. All we ask for is prompt notification that a piece has been accepted elsewhere. Please do so through e-mail. 

As a humble start-up, we can’t offer much in the way of payment, but we’re proud to offer our writers and artists $5 per story, essay, artwork, and photograph. The payment will be issued through the contributor’s preferred method of payment (PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle). 

Libre holds serial rights for three months after publication. Authors and artists agree not to publish or reprint for those three months. After the allotted time is up, all rights revert back to the author/artist. 

For now, submissions are published on a rolling basis. We have plans for a “Best Of” issue this Autumn; stay tuned for further information regarding it.

Thank you, sincerely, for entrusting your work with us. Our main hope is to provide a safe space for the marginalized, the forgotten, and the overlooked.

Take heart.