Forgive me while I Run

By: Mona Angéline



It's morning

another chance

at a day

of peace

of truly me

of hope

of a glimpse into

that me that fully lives


But then


I open

my email

and there's no button

that halts the dread

that floods my soul

my spine


The pain searing

my soul aflame

my limbs numb

I cannot stand

can't stand

the spasms

can't stand the lies

my heart shut down

walled off


What will it be this time

the thing

that I did wrong

the thing

I didn't do

the flaw

that I am


The uncried tears

clog arteries

no oxygen to the brain


I try to run

run from it all

but getting up

from this bed of shame

I faint


Put your head down


The blood can reach

the brain that way

but so can the venom


Put it down

they say


No new messages

says the app





Today I escaped

today I ran


Nobody can know

the true me

can't allow

the academic me

to hurt

And so I tell

the trees alone

about the panic

the attacks

the guilt


I scream inside

nobody can hear


Forgive me while I run.


Today I ran



a new day

a new chance

at spitting, spewing

the venom


and far beyond

before it reaches


the place where it's


in my soul

the place nobody gets

to see

but love.


My only wish

for my love to

be allowed


among the trees



My only wish for

the true me

the me of love

the warmth

that's in danger

of being poisoned


The warmth to be






The rift in me


between the


the perfect

the work star


and the warmth

the honest

the mildly disabled

the chronically ill

ashamed to not belong

to either of these ranks


No true identify

for this grief

despite the trauma

of forty-two years


If only

I belonged

so they see

the in need

of kindness

the desperate

the hopeful me


To heal

to reconcile

to leave

to run.


Every morning

and every day

to run

towards what's real

towards the love


No more.

Nothing but love.

Mona Angéline is an unapologetically vulnerable writer, reader, book reviewer, artist, athlete, and scientist. She honors the creatively unconventional, the authentically "other". She shares her emotions because the world tends to hide theirs. She is a new writer, but her personal essays, flash fiction, poetry, and reviews have been accepted in a number of publications. Mona is also a regular guest editor for scientific journals. She lives bicoastally in Santa Cruz, California, and New York and savors life despite, or maybe because of, her significant struggles with chronic illness and mild disability. Learn about her musings at

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Asparagus Disorder


internal mechanism of the otherwordly