Manic / Depressive

By: D.W. Baker

Manic                       Depressive


brain bomb               brain tomb

fast lane                     contemplate

five songs                   dead weight

autoplayed                costume

gravitate                    heavy moon

magnify                      frame rate

pilot flame                 joy delay

flashing lights           panic room

warning signs           starve house

rapid speech              crash car

credit lines                hidden debt

gasoline                     trickle down

wild burn                   carve skin

scorched earth          trial death

D.W. Baker (he/him) is a submerging poet from St. Petersburg, Florida, where he writes about place, bodies, belonging, and the end of the world. His work appears in Identity Theory, Corporeal Lit, The Institutionalized Review, and Modern Haiku, among others, and has been nominated for Best of the Net. He reads for several magazines including Variant Lit, and recently edited the collection "GOD/CORPSE: writing on the bipolar body" for The Circus Lit.

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