Exploring Mental Health Through Mad Max’s Diary: “Superstar Rap”

By: Stephanie Leonard

I’m a Superstar, in my own head I’m a super star no matter what anyone says I never gave up I have  always believed in myself I’m a thriller manilla they used call me vanilla I’m a superstar  rising so free you can’t bring me down, watch me rise above my  pain you can’t push me down boy or drag me down, I’m the queen on the throne don’t drag me down in the dirt I should be respected and told I’m worthy and not put on shelf I’m not a clown, I’m not insane, I’m not so crazy I’m  in sky flying high, just rock on to your own beat and know your own song, you can’t make me cry boy in ground, you can’t break me I got a poetry song to sing to write about a  song to rap about and song to sing in my heart, I’m going to let it all out sing it I going to kill it and going to let it flow a song from my heart you know. I got it real I’m the real deal I’m singing and rapping about a flow that comes from my soul, I’m an artist I’m a painter, I’m a writer I’m a story that needs to be told. I’m just not someone with a mental illness and brain injury and OCD and PTSD, I’m not just insane, I got poetry I got lyrics people told me your only a mental illness and OCD and brain injury I’m here to tell them all break the stereotypes there not going to drag me down, no one can bring me down, no one can stop me, no one can bring me down no one can toss my spirit into the ground. I’m a superstar in my own mind I one of a kind my soul is flying free I’m a superstar you know how it’s got to be. I am a superstar I started with nothing broke and rose to stardom you can’t drag me I never gave up on my dreams, you can’t break me down or bring me down never give up, never give up, don’t ever quit or give up on yourself or your dreams, I’m a superstar no matter what you say you can never bring me down never give up on your dreams or yourself and you be anything you set your mind too you just have believe in yourself never give up on yourself and dreams, ya boy I can be anything I want to be and anything I set my mind to. I’m a superstar and that’s what’s up..

My name is Stephanie Leonard. I am currently 36, and I spent my years working on creative writing, artwork, and music. I try to explore new avenues to help and advocate for people with mental health symptoms and brain Injury. I suffer with mental illness and brain injury. Since I was 10 I have been working on my writing. I was published in Word Gathering when I was 13. My art was published In Blue Mountain Review. I was published in my local paper, and I make music on youtube. I encourage you to research it and look through it. I try to advocate for mental health and help encourage my readers with art music and poetry. I am always looking for new ways to encourage my readers with mental illness and advocate for them. this is my goal, to help readers who struggle and help them realize they are not alone. I like to use my music platform and spoken word to reach more readers and help them. Find her her on youtube channel at maxine leonard.


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