Issue Two: Plath (Free Download)

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Format: PDF

*Small batch print copies available in limited quantity

39 Pages of Plath-centric writing and art, including a further reading page and dedication.

Margaret Stetz

Courtenay Schembri Gray

Angel Rosen

Candice M. Kelsey

Michael Conley

Jennie Meyer

Hugh Findlay

J.C. Chen Henderson

Allyson Wuerth

Devon Balwit

Michelle Chen

Lumina Miller

William Miller

Mandira Pattnaik

Gauri Awasthi

Sheree Shatsky

Grace Frye

Rosemary Downing-Espinal

Jensine Eckwall

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Format: PDF

*Small batch print copies available in limited quantity

39 Pages of Plath-centric writing and art, including a further reading page and dedication.

Margaret Stetz

Courtenay Schembri Gray

Angel Rosen

Candice M. Kelsey

Michael Conley

Jennie Meyer

Hugh Findlay

J.C. Chen Henderson

Allyson Wuerth

Devon Balwit

Michelle Chen

Lumina Miller

William Miller

Mandira Pattnaik

Gauri Awasthi

Sheree Shatsky

Grace Frye

Rosemary Downing-Espinal

Jensine Eckwall

Format: PDF

*Small batch print copies available in limited quantity

39 Pages of Plath-centric writing and art, including a further reading page and dedication.

Margaret Stetz

Courtenay Schembri Gray

Angel Rosen

Candice M. Kelsey

Michael Conley

Jennie Meyer

Hugh Findlay

J.C. Chen Henderson

Allyson Wuerth

Devon Balwit

Michelle Chen

Lumina Miller

William Miller

Mandira Pattnaik

Gauri Awasthi

Sheree Shatsky

Grace Frye

Rosemary Downing-Espinal

Jensine Eckwall